Ways to be More Environmentally Conscious by Sarah

In our ever increasing populated earth, it is essential to be environmentally friendly and conscious whenever one can find the opportunity. From large scale “green” housing builidng projects to small scale energy saving efforts, every little bit helps. Here are some simple ways to cut back on consumption, waste, and to help prolong our time on this earth.

– Be careful of electricity and water use in your home and office. Turn off unnecessary lights and unplug any items that aren’t in use. Also, be mindful of the amount of water your household goes through. This includes running the water unnecessarily when brushing your teeth, taking a shower or bath, or simply cleaning dishes.

– Try to reuse materials whenever possible and avoid unnecessarily using plastic products, such as plastic grocery bags when you could bring your own canvas shopping bags. Another example of something small you can do is to purchase a water cooler and reuse the same plastic bottle rather than buying a new water bottle everytime. It will be cheaper and better for the environment!

– Take advantage of the Internet! Pay your bills online and use email as your main mode of communication. It eliminates the need for paper, envelopes, and stamps which not only cuts back on garbage but saves trees and money. You also won’t need to write or buy checks because you can link your utility accounts to your online checking account. Banking has never been easier, you can transfer funds back and forth with the click of a mouse and not have to get in your car and drive to the bank, thus putting less pollution into the air. Send e-cards to friends and family instead of traditional greeting cards. You can help the environment by using a non-profit, environmentally friendly site that promotes saving the earth.

These are just a few simple ideas to aid in the war against pollution, the water crisis, and disastrous effects on the environment. If everyone does their part we can only improve the situation. Don’t just think about it, take action!

Deciding on an Internet Opportunity by Rachel Epler

Many people searching for an Internet business opportunity search for those that will provide them immediate compensation as soon as possible. This pushes people toward affiliate marketing. We’ve seen this again & again:

People just starting out tend to focus on “money-makers,” not on growing a long-term business.

This is the reason many choose affiliate marketing in the beginning. I’m sure you’ve seen statements like this on sales pages that recommend affiliate marketing related courses or products:

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest, easiest ways to make money online. Best of all, you don’t even need your own product!

That’s absolutely true. But it’s only part of the story. The “rest of the story” (as radio personality Paul Harvey might say) is that you’re going to end up wanting your own product…and your own brand to put that product under…and your own business that you control pretty much 100%.

Affiliate marketing doesn’t give you those things.

It’s much smart to grow your own business and brand first and use affiliate marketing as part of your strategy to earn income whil doing that. That’s exactly what the reprint rights marketing model we’re going to show you how to set up will let you do. It has three big advantages:

It’s still relatively easy and inexpensive to set up…and you can make money with it quickly

It gets you started on growing your own business and brand

The income potential is still huge

In short, the right Internet business mindset is this:

You should focus on growing your own brand and business online, while you achieve a consistently positive cash flow quickly.

The reprint rights marketing model I’ll walk you through fits that to a “T,” and will keep you on the right mindset road over the long term.

The reprint rights marketing model is not the only effective way to achieve your own business and brand online. Another is through Network Marketing and using a Virtual Business Network.

Many may criticize and discourage against Network Marketing; however, we found with the right company, this can be one of the most lucrative business models no matter what industry you are in. Another term may be Multiple Level Marketing.

The compensation plan, the product and the integrity of the company are all very important components of a network marketing company to ponder before jumping on board with any. Network marketing appeals to so many people because of the long term residual income it provides, but you should also be looking for a company that provides immediate cash flow as well. These companies are absolutely available.

The biggest benefit of network marketing is the idea of working as a team. If you are injured or not able to work, your income does not stop. Others in your team are still working and thus income is still being deposited into your bank account.

Although Affiliate Marketing should not be your main source of income, it certainly is a decent supplemental income, we’ll touch on this in later issues.

Blogging also offers decent supplemental income. In fact some earn a full time income from blogging, but this takes a considerable amount of time to build to this type of income. We believe the best way to use a blog to earn income is to use it as advertising your brand and your product. It is possible to earn income from it directly throught advertising and affiliate marketing, but we prefer using it indirectly

7 Ways To Make Money Online For Free by Jinger Jarrett

There’s no super secret formula to making money on the internet. If you really want to make money online, then what you have to do is choose a particular technique and then stick to it. Although some techniques border on marketing techniques, they are also business models. Follow the rules for each of these business models, and you may begin earning an income in as little as a few hours.

1. Affiliate Marketing

This business style has a lot of advantages. You don’t need to do any customer service, create your own products, or even build a website if you don’t want to. With a little creativity, you may market these programs just about any way that you want, and you may even make money giving away stuff for free.

2. Blogging

Blogging is both an internet marketing technique and a business model. There are bloggers online who make six figure incomes doing it, so it’s very lucrative.

What’s key here is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and write about it. You may sell your own products, affiliate products, advertising, or a whole host of things on your blog. Just make sure they are related.

3. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is just one of many of the services you may perform online to make money. Services are very lucrative if you have a specific type of expertise and you are good at marketing yourself.

What’s important about marketing services is that you enjoy what you do, and you are willing to do it for money. More importantly, getting out there and marketing is the difference between those who earn good incomes from services and those who don’t.

4. Bum Marketing

Bum marketing is a specific way of marketing affiliate programs. What you do is select several products that you are interested in. Then you write articles to promote each of the products. You include your affiliate link in the resource box of your article.

Keep in mind here that certain article directories won’t allow you to include a link to an affiliate program in the resource box. So, you will either need to buy a domain or create a simple website to send your traffic to. The best part is, the more articles you write, the more money you make.

5. Squidoo

Squidoo is a site started by entrepreneur Seth Godin. What this site allows you to do is to build simple one page sites on a specific topic or product. You may build as many of these little sites, or lenses, as you like.

Lenses may be used to market both your own products or affiliate products. The more lenses you build, the more money you make.

6. Product Creation

Product creation is only limited by your imagination. You may write short PDF reports that solve the specific problems for your customers. Then there are audios, books, CDs, or tons of other physical products you may make like tshirts on Cafepress.

If you have a hobby, you may want to sell what you know. Look at your skills and knowledge to help you get ideas for creating products.

7. Pay Per Click

Ultimately, pay per click is not free. Eventually, if you pursue this as a long time money making venture, you will have to spend some money. However, when you are first getting started, find pay per click sites that offer free traffic so you can try it out first.

Start small. Promote affiliate programs so you don’t need a website. As your business grows, develop more campaigns and invest more money.

There are about as many ways to make money online as there are people. Keep it simple. Choose marketing techniques and products that interest you and then build a business around it. You will succeed.

Making Money Online Easily by Michael Holland

The World Wide Web is by now considered to be the most popular ground for communication, entertainment, and business. If you have a query about a spice found only on the other side of the planet from which you live, you will most likely find what it is, what it looks like, and which store in your vicinity you can acquire the spice from – all in a span of five seconds. This is the convenience that the Internet brings; and because of that you now realize why there is a huge demand for the online industry to keep on providing these conveniences that are easily becoming necessities.

The good news is that, just like land-based barter, everyone needs something from somebody else which is the prime determinant if businesses are going to succeed. And, where there are businesses there will definitely be jobs that can help you earn money easily. Take filling out paid surveys for example; because there is a need for companies to research on their target markets, they have to put out survey forms and pay people to take the survey. This is pretty simple, but because it is uncomplicated you may find the fees very paltry. Nevertheless, you can still add this to the repertoire of tasks online that can help you earn money easily.

Another way to make money online is writing; you can choose various forms of writing, maybe even consider ghost-writing for a web host. You can also launch your own blog and start typing in opinions or interesting knowledge that people can use and will appreciate. Once your blog becomes popular, you are sure to get offers from various companies offering to pay you for a chance to post their own inks on your site.

How To Choose a Fantastic Web Host by Tristan Andrews

You may be looking for your first web hosting provider or you might be looking for a new one. This information can help you find a fantastic web host. The initial point is which platform the web server you use should run off of. The normal choice is either a Windows or a Linux/Unix.

If your website was created using ASP or VB, which are Microsoft technologies it will usually run on Windows servers and those sites created with open source technologies like Phython, PHP, and Perl run on Linux servers.

After choosing the platform, then take a good review of the features the web host provides. Don’t let a quick look do because a plan that appears to be similar may in one case not have many of the features another web hosting company offers. So dig into the feature lists and study them. The home page may not give you all of the information about the features that you need.

Here are some key elements to consider when deciding exactly which features you’ll need. How much disk space and bandwidth do you get? Do they offer backups? What is their percentage of up time? Do they offer a money back guarantee? How many domains are allowed? What is the number and types of databases that you get? Do they offer PHP, Perl, Rub on Rails, Phython, and SSI? This isn’t an exhaustive list, but remember to take a good gander at what they offer.

Many people are low on money when they start their initial website, therefore, the cost is at the top of their list of priorities. This leads to choosing a cheap web hosting solution, which can turn out well, but also can be a bad move.

It is so important to not let the monetary consideration override other important factors. If this is that big of a problem, you may need to save up some funds and try at first to find a really good free web hosting provider, but switch to a better paid one as soon as you can.

Either way, going down the cheapest road can be disastrous. You’ve got to consider that web hosting isn’t only the monthly payment. You can lose money because of downtime costing you sales, and having to give rebates because of down time. Also, think of extra bandwidth charges (read fine print), money for extra features or are they included, and setup fees.

Customer service should be close to the top of your list of priorities’you want excellent customer service from your web hosting provider. Each one says they provide great customer service with 24/7 and 365 days a year availability but is it true? See if it is so by calling, emailing, trying to chat’make certain you test them at different time of the day and night.

Don’t neglect to find out how long they have been in business, the longer the better; you don’t want to do business with a fly-by-night company. Plus, some good companies may go out of business in a short period of time.

Expired Domain Traffic – Can It Really Increase Online Hits? by Dean James

Expired domain traffic is said to be a sound option to increase Web site hits or online visitor numbers. But does it really work? Below, we discussed what expired domain names are and what services they can provide to a Web site owner.

What are expired domains

Expired domain names are active Web sites that have been promoted by their previous owners. Traffic from these expired sites are being sold by various registrars for a certain amount of registration fee. The idea is that, for a relatively low amount, a Web master can purchase a domain which has pre-existing online traffic and links with other sites.

Another form of these types of services is redirected traffic. Some registrars help a Web site increase its number of hits by redirecting the traffic from existing sites with a similar domain. In this form, a Web site owner will buy not the expired domain name, but the traffic generated by other sites, either expired or existing and are similar or related to the site of the buyer. Traffic or hits are also provided by these registrars from expired sites that are still receiving hits or through type-ins, or keywords typed at the browser by those seeking for these particular sites.

Pros and cons of traffic from expired domain names

The good thing about these types of services is that they can really increase the number of hits that a Web site will receive. The number of hits can translate into more advertisers and higher profits. A site owner can also benefit from association with popular sites that are existing or have expired. However, a lot of scam has been generated by the popularity of expired domain and redirected businesses.

Because of its popularity, a lot of fraudulent activities have been spawned by this type of services. In some cases, the so-called targeted or redirected traffic actually do not exist and are merely junk hits. The underlying logic why some people have claimed that these services are fake is that no Web site operator will let go of assured online visitors for a low amount of fee. If these hits or online visitors do exist, then the site who owns them may as well use these hits for his or her site.

If you buy expired domain traffic, then you better make sure that the purchase is legitimate or you’re buying from a trusted services provider. Redirected traffic or expired domain services do have their benefits, but one needs to know how to sort out the fakes from the real thing. And the best way to do this is to do your homework – conduct a research before making any purchase.

Free Hosting for Your Website Might Actually Cost You More Money! by Pace, Dancy L.

Fantastic, you’re now an online business owner. You have just found your niche, your product, or your design and you now need to decide what your next step will be in building your website in order to promote it. You’ve even taken the necessary precautions by planning ahead. You’ve determined your target audience, their interests, and how and where to find them. And, in the process of all this, you’ve instilled a valuable, trusting relationship between them and you. They have decided doing business with you is just plain smart. You’ve also defined your main goals and have chosen the type of website that would best promote your product (dedicated sales page, single optin page, membership site, informational or brochure sites, journal website or blogs, portal sites – another article all together). And on top of all of that, you’ve picked out your domain name. Great, it sounds like you’re on your way to building a great business! One last thing needs to happen though. You need to choose a hosting company to set up your site and host it. The question really comes down to this, should I use a free hosting company or a paid one? My answer may surprise you. Avoid using free hosting at all costs. Below, I will give you some reasons as to why.

First of all, determine what tools and services the hosting company supports and which ones it does not. A few of the best I’ve come across are http://www.SuperHosting.com, http://www.Domains.com, and my favorite, http://www.CoolNetHosting.com, formerly known as WebHotMonkey.com. You get a lot more bang for your buck, as they say, with one of these compared to some others out there. Whichever you choose, make sure the measurement tools you are looking for are included in your package deal. Offered in their standard hosting packages, these tools include great web analytics technology. If you’re not sure what this consists of then look online for internet sites that explain it. There are even courses on this kind of stuff. Your hosting company should be able to track and analyze conversions and traffic for your site as well. The key is to get your software set up early then waiting to do it later. Remember, you are paying for this, so you should get what you think will promote your product the best.

Secondly, your hosting company needs to have a highly effective means of controlling spammers. This should be top priority due to the internet environment we live in today. However, with free hosting, spammers are not always treated as top priority. Since you’ll be sending and receiving emails via your host’s servers, make sure they have the necessary safeguards in place to deter spammers from using them to quick-start their own campaigns. The good thing is that Internet Service Providers, or the Internet Police as I call them, combat these spammers by blocklisting (also referred to as blacklisting) and/or penalizing these hosting companies that fail to use these safeguards. Unfortunately, some of the freebie hosting companies slide under the radar. So if you’re not a spammer, why worry? Again, unfortunately, most, if not all emails that originate from your hosting company’s server, this may include yours too, are blocked (spammer or not) and you never know it. To find out go to http://www.spamhaus.org. Here you can identify which hosting company you may want to stay away from by looking up their IP address.

Lastly, take a careful look at the reliability of the hosting company you’re considering. All experience cyberspace glitches, but by doing a little bit of research on your part, you can determine which companies are less likely to experience these glitches on their customer’s sites. These glitches may affect it by slowing or even worse, shutting down, your site. These glitches can occur often and may even last for hours or even days. You may want to google hosting companies that experience these types of things. Some of these search engine sites post past and present data on hosts reliability records. These are a great source of information that may help you decide on a host company.

As you can see, deciding on a hosting company can cause some heartaches. By weighing the pros and cons of the hosting company you’re considering, you can eliminate these heartaches. To recap, make sure your hosting company offers the measurement tools to operate your site the best. They must be tough on spammers by not allowing them to use your host’s server, and, last but not least, research the hosting company using search engines to see which ones are less likely to have cyberspace glitches. In addition to these things, don’t forget to avoid the free hosting companies. You may regret it if you do. You will definitely have a harder time finding people who are willing to link to your site and, get this, the host will place banner ads on your page that more likely will turn away visitors. Unhappy Visitors equals No Sales!

Hi, my name is Dancy Pace, the author. If you are interested in using a hosting company for your own business, I challenge you to take a look at my business opportunity by visiting my website at http://www.BetterLifeToCome.com

Free Traffic to Your Blog – Submitting Your Blog to Technorati by Roderick Low

Technorati currently follows more than 120 million blogs worldwide. Technorati is kind of like the Google for blogs in that it is kind of like an all encompassing search engine of blog content. Technorati will not only provide you with traffic but will also provide your blog with highly marketable authority. Authority allows you to more or less rent your blog on a periodic basis and the higher your Technorati rank the more you can charge. Listing your blog with Technorati is extremely easy and is a must for any serious blogger.

To add your blog to Technorati, go to technorati.com and register an account, after you have done so, login to your email and confirm your Technorati account then log back to your Technorati account and go to “Blogger Central” and “claim your blog”. Then enter your blog URL. Once you blog is claimed, your blog will officially be listed in Technorati’s enormous index.

But simply having your blog indexed at technorati is not enough of grabbing rank and traffic. To get noticed at technorati you need lots of indexed pages. This means you need to make daily blog posts with technorati tags added to each of your posts.

The more technorati tagged posts you have indexed in technorati, the more traffic you will be able to get from technorati. More traffic means higher rank and ultimately more money.

One of the major advantages to owning a blog is that blogs have a tendency to naturally draw copious amounts of traffic. But if you are interested in making serious income with your blog then you need equally serious traffic flow. While you can do next to nothing with your blog except make an informative post every few days and still get plenty of traffic, you are going to have to do a little extra “finger” work if your goal is to get a few hundred or even a few thousand hits a day.

Blogging for Money – An Introduction to Online Profits by Valentina Bellicova

Hands down blogging is the easiest entry into the world of Internet Marketing and online profits. It is also the fastest growing sector. Depending on the source, there are either 70 million blogs or just in excess of 100 million. No matter – the figure is organic as every day tens of thousands of people start a new blog.

What is the call of the blog?

Most blogs tend to be recreational, familial or knowledge based. Often it is just an online journal of the day to day tedium of someone’s personal life that they want to share with the world. Others put up blogs as a way of staying in touch with family members — usually password restricted. Still others want to share their expertise or knowledge in a certain field. It is the last of these which has captured the minds and creativity of those with a penchant for earning money.

Originally blogging started as a commercial free venue for information dissemination. Not so anymore. Savvy internet marketers soon recognized it as an effective form of marketing and it wasn’t long after that ads began to pop up on blogs.

Blogging is now a fully vested online commercial enterprise. Think of it as a virtual publication, as a magazine or a weekly/ report covering a singular topic or theme. If the content is good visitors return to read new posts. As with any good publication, advertising pays the bills and puts leftover cash into your bank account – sometimes to the tune of five figures a month!

The siren song of money is seductive and the great thing about blogging is that practically anyone can do it — I know of six and seven year olds making more than just pocket money, senior citizens supplementing their inadequate pensions and people of all ages pulling in incomes that stagger the mind. It’s no wonder that there is a worldwide stampede to blog for money. Consider these points:

Ease of Entry. If money is the siren song, then the mantra of “anyone can do it” is the refraining chorus of the song. The learning curve is not as steep as say starting your own online store but if that is your ultimate destination, then a blog is a good place to cut your teeth. In the offline world it would be akin to starting with a hot dog stand to eventually owning your own gourmet dining restaurant.

Affordability: Like the hot dog stand, blogging is cheap – sheesh! Even free! Yes you can actually start your online blogging venture without spending a dime. Platforms such as Blogger and WordPress are free (note: the free version of WordPress does not allow for advertising). Google “free websites” and you will find a list of many more. All offer a selection of “done for you templates” which means that you do not have to learn how to put up a website or learn a new cyber language. No money to pay a webmaster, no fees to pay for hosting. Can’t get any cheaper than that.

Easy Back Office Administration: You can take your time to familiarize yourself with all the options that are available to you to make your blog unique. The good thing about this is that as you become more confident on the net, you can always log into your back office and tweak both the appearance and other elements of your blog, such as comments, ads, social marketing. There is plenty of online training that will help you with your new venture. Before you know it you’ll be speaking a different language about traffic, monetization, virtual real estate and billboards, search engines, spiders and bots.

Money. You can start making money right away. Don’t expect to hit the high notes on the decibel chart of WOW! but on a good day you will be able to look out the window and see the promise of a money truck rolling up to your driveway as a reality. The neat thing is that as you begin to make a few dollars here and there, your motivation goes up, you polish your skills, and the money grows.

Time Friendly: Most people who look at the internet as a potential source of income have a J.O.B. and would like to

A. earn and additional income and
B. develops a secure financial safety net.
C. Many want to quit that J.O.B.

Take action. Devote just one hour a day if that is the most you can, and you are on your way to building your own internet muscles. Equally important, your mindset shifts. By just devoting a mere hour a day, you will be taking action and begin to build your internet marketing IQ and a new brain power blueprint will emerge. A latent entrepreneur emerges.

It’s no wonder that tens of thousands are taking up blogging for money – its more than just a hobby!

Happy Blogging!

Make Money Blogging Online by Jan Kaspersen

have worked with Internet Marketing for some years. Tried many different ways, bought a lot of e-books and other products to make tons of money in less than 60 days (guarantee from the seller). I don’t say I could not make money from these products. I think the biggest problem was me, and my lack of knowledge of Internet Marketing and basic know-how of the tools to use. I tried to work all kind of systems at the same time. This because I find “new and better systems” every day. I have spent a lot of money and had very little income from these systems these years.
I have now changed all this. I have decided to work one system only. Put all my effort into this one. Learn it from the basic. The big question was: what system?

I don’t want to spend big money. Instead I am willing to spend some of my free time. I have really set my mind to succeed with this. I have decided to go for Blogging Online.

Now you might ask why this system. The answer is :

1) Blog Advertising is becoming big business. Blog advertising is set to become one of the largest forms of advertising on the web only surpassed by PayPerClick marketing, (cost money). This is amazing news for bloggers like me as small companies through to large corporations will be throwing money into the blogging world and it’s mine for the taking. Blogging is set to keep the rate of growth it’s seeing and as a student of the Blogging to the Bank system I’ll be perfectly positioned to make money from blog advertising as well as using blogs for affiliate marketing. 2) Free Blogs Are Dead. Using blogging services like Blogger won’t make you the big money serious bloggers are seeing. It’s crucial that you actually own your blog including the domain name and are in control of it by having your own hosting rather than free hosting and a sub-domain like Blogger provides.

Taking this in to consideration I have chosen a product called: Blogging To The Bank. I am going to follow this all the way to the bank, and start making money.

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